AN-Sr Radiostrontium Analysis (No.2)
This manual is an analysis method for environmental radiation monitoring at nuclear facilities, which specifies how to quantify Sr-90 and Sr-89 that are important in evaluating the environmental impact. Separation and refinement methods can be selected from the ion exchange method (Sr-90, Sr-89), fuming nitric acid method (Sr-90, Sr-89), oxalate method (Sr-90), and solvent extraction method (Sr-90), and the radioactivity is measured using a low-background beta counter. In the 4th revised edition, consideration is given to the conventional ion exchange method as a replacement for the fuming nitric acid method that requires special attention to the handling, and the method was made applicable to a wider range of environmental samples.
※Japanese OnlyPub. Year
Published in 1960
Revision in 1963
2nd revision in 1974
3rd revision in 1983
4th revision in 2003